15. prosince 2011

a Birthday day
Today our small kid Jack celebrated his 4th birthday.
He prepared canapes on his own for all children and he looked really happy to do it for them.All kids liked his refreshments very much.
He also enjoyed his famous day sitting in a special birthday chair and eating his meal in a special plate.
All kids made for him a book made from colorings dedicated to him.
He was satisfied with all "his" day as are all the kids who are celebrating their important birthday days during the year spent in school.:)

14. prosince 2011

On Tuesday In our kindergarten there´s going to be a meeting by the Christmas tree and we will be looking forward to see Christmas presents from Santa. Kids are going to sing carols and taste all Christmas sweets made by their mums.
Kids were making christmas bells from gypsum which are intended as a christmas gifts for their parents.

12. prosince 2011

7. prosince 2011

Try t
Try to bake traditional czech christmas vanilla rollies.
Vanilkové rohlíčky - vanilla rollies ◦150 g hladké mouky - of smooth flour ◦20 g moučkového cukru- of icing sugar ◦100 g másla - butter
◦50 g mletých lískových oříšků - grounded hazelnuts ◦1 žloutek 1 yolk ◦vanilka a moučkový cukr na obalení - vanilla plus icing sugar for wrapping
Tato dávka je na 1 plech ručně tvarovaných vanilkových rohlíčků.
This dose is for 1 sheet of manually made vanilla rollies
Smícháme mouku, cukr, žloutek, mleté oříšky s plátky másla a ručně propracujeme a uhněteme těsto.
Mix flour, sugar,yolk and grounded hazelnuts together with slices of butter and make a kneaded dough.
Necháme ho v chladu odpočinout (stačí půl hodiny, ale není problém těsto dělat den předem).
Let it cool down(about half an hour but you can do dough a day before)
Troubu rozehřejeme na mírnou teplotu a pečeme do růžova.
Warm up the oven for mild temperature and bake to pink.
Ještě horké obalujeme v moučkovém cukru.
Still hot wrap in icing sugar.
Pečeme-li při teplotě trouby 150 °C, potřebujeme 20 minut času na upečení.
If you bake it when the temperature is 150C, you need 20 minutes to bake it.

5. prosince 2011

Czech traditional christmas

Let´s sing a Czech carol with kids.

Christmas Eve meal :   fish soup
                                       a fried carp with typical czech potato salad                                     

a Christmas Eve customs: cutting apples, nut shells,  casting of hot lead

                                 Czech language
Mery Christmas : Veselé Vánoce
Santa - Claus :      Ježíšek
Christmas carols:  Koleda

On friday we said goodbye to our big fir tree in our garden.It made our garden beautiful for a lot of years.

Today all kids said goodbye to the tree who grew there for lots of years. In the following days it will decorate our little square in Kohoutovice and will make joyful christmas atmosphere of all.   

St.Nicolas day in kindergarten

On St.Nicolas day there is a custom to be dressed as St.Nicolas,an Angel and a Devil.
This day everytime in the evening St.Nicolas descent from the sky to the earth, goes round people´s homes and and gives together with an Angel and a Devil sweets and fruit to those children who were nice. But they give also a piece of coal and a potato to those who were nasty.

4. prosince 2011

St. Barbara´s day

There is a typical custom spread all over Czech for St.Barbara´s day. People cut branches from a cherry tree which are called litlle Barbara´s branches.It is called "barborky" in Czech. They are used to decorate our homes during Christmas time.We put them in water and they grow there.
All of us are very impatient and full expectations of awaiting of St.Nicolas, devil and angel in our kindergarten

1. prosince 2011